Thursday, December 20, 2012

Yes, the world has come to this!

Some weeks ago I was watching ‘Crime Patrol’, a popular SONY show where they exhibit real cases and actual police investigations. They have an annoying habit of stretching every case to minimum two episodes. Personally, I like the case being concluded in one episode stretch without the ‘To-be-continued’ stage.

My mom said, “Perhaps they don’t have enough cases to showcase and that is why they stretch every case!”

I disagreed. “India has come to a level where there exists a plethora of cases. In fact, these people perhaps select cases based on lucky draw and only dramatize these. There is no scarcity of cases in India!”

And I was right! Today as I was reading the newspaper, there were only stories of rapes, murders and gang-rapes and mass-murders! Not only today, this has increased a lot lately!

The Delhi case where a woman was gang-raped in a private bus and thrown out of it with her boyfriend, grabbed headlines! Everyone discussing about it; feeling the injustice sufficed on her, asking for stricter laws to punish the perpetrators and silently querying their own safety in this country! While most did this, some ^@!#&* in West Bengal were busy doing the very same crime-raping another woman!

Newspapers are so filled with these…. A man murdering his mother-in-law for money, a farmer stabbing a girl mistaking her to be his dowry-rejecting wife, a guy being killed to death by a group of minors for saving a girl residing in his colony from eve-teasing, another senior citizen found murdered in her apartment, a girl battling acid burns as the already-married, cheater guy she loved wanted to avenge the rejection she gave him, a teenage guy scarred the face of his teenage classmate after she ridiculed his friend…… There may not be an end to these!

(P.S. I am not going to include anything about police investigations which favor certain useless matters over such vital cases. Nor am I going to question our elected ministers who are more interested in FDI, increasing reservation for SC/ST and deciding the face of the party for 2014 elections. I will not query the law of my nation which makes the fight for justice more painful than the crime over them!)

 And crime doesn’t limit here! Recently, there took place a massacre of innocents in a Connecticut Elementary school. It killed about 30 people mostly six year olds. And all this from the hands of a twenty year, gun-carrying teenage boy!

Where is Humanity? Seriously, where is it?

Then, there is this speculation that according to the Mayans, the world will end today! The 2012 movie depicts that this will happen with nature killing everything with tsunamis and earthquakes. I say, there’s no need for nature to intervene. In sometime, everybody is going to rape, assault and kill everybody. That would be Doom’s day!

Because most of us have come to it! There’s no conscious, no guilt, no remorse! Ours is a world with numerous religions to follow, infinite deities to worship, unlimited spiritual books to guide…. And we, we all are busy warring against each other to prove supremacy with our hollow hearts and vicious minds. Without caring where true duty lies in. Oh sorry! When we do not possess humanity… how can we possess care and sense of duty?

Someone, reading this, might surely be feeling… ‘No, the world ain’t so bad! People ain’t so terrible.’ Trust me, you haven’t been on the receiving end. While you think this, there’s someone in the corner who is waiting to rape, attack or murder you! Oh yes, the world has come to this! There’s just hate, apathy and illusion of love! And I am not stating any pessimism. (People knowing me would vouch that I am not a pessimist.) I am just broadcasting the truth! Because knowing and accepting the truth helps! If we continue to be ignorant and feel that the world is fine, how will justice prevail?

There are no easy measures to reverse this state. There exists no set of actions which could transform this world into something full of love. There is nothing that can eradicate evil completely. But just, look within yourself. If you are lucky, you might find some amount of humanity still there! Perhaps that might help! #LoveCareRespect.

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