Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We, humans, are extremely fearful people. We fear something in this universe or atleast some aspect about existence and suck about it. That’s the truth! So much that every psychologist has been bragging about it and the number of people and the number of phobias registered have been increasing rapidly.

So we have Acrophobia (fear of heights), Claustrophobia (fear of closed places), Aviophobia (fear of flying), Atychiphobia (fear of failure), Necrophobia (fear of death or the dead) and many more!

Now some which I found as surprises are Tetraphobia (fear of number 4), Terdekaphobia (fear of number 13), Nomophobia (fear of being out of mobile phone contact), Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (can anyone pronounce this?) (fear of the number 666) and many more!

You know anything and the fear of that exists in this universe! So much that there also exists Phobophobia (fear of fears)! 

The point is, Every individual fears something! The others find it logical or ridicule about it. But still, everyone does fear!

I am no exception to this too. I do fear a lot of things. This is why I want to share one thing through this blog.

Firstly, it is normal! Because every fear arises out of a reason! No matter how many people ridicule about it and see this as a ‘weakness’, it is perfectly normal!

But, just because it is normal, you should continue living in that fear? No.

Because the more you fear, the more you end up with it and spoiling everything! For example, the more you fear disappointing people, you will disappoint them more. The more you fear losing things, you will lose everything! The more you fear failure, you will fail more! Not because situations ended up there, but because you ended up seeing only that! And even if nothing of that occurred, but you will end up noticing only that.

Ultimately, you end up being controlled by your fear! So, even when you aren’t alone, you will feel lonely. Even when you didn’t fail, you will term it as a ‘failure’. Even when you didn’t get pain, you will feel pain!
And this isn’t limited to fear of certain aspects! It also applies to fear of something! If you fear spiders, anything that creeps beside you will be a spider to you, even if it wasn’t! If you fear blood, every red liquid will be perceived as blood, when it can be tomato ketchup!

This is a fact! You will face your fear every day, not because it came to you, but because you went to it! And this doesn’t restrict here. Fears can get worse… for you and the people around you!  

So, to end this feeling, is to get over it! Start by analyzing the thing you fear…. Is it that bad? How did you get it? And make a conscious effort, to conquer it! Keep your mind restricted to the positives and keep mumbling it when you feel fear! Try to keep yourself focused there. It helps in a significant way! Because, there is MUCH MUCH more to life, than being restricted to a fear!

An example of that would be Robert Langdon. If you have read or seen The Da Vinci Code or Angles and Demons, you would know him! He is scripted as a claustrophobic. So whenever he enters a closed room or an elevator, he shuts his eyes and thinks positives to himself!

Concluding I would like to say, it isn’t easy. Because you have spent a certain amount of years in that fear! So, even when you think it has gone it can come crawling back to you. But, try being focused!

(P.S.  If you are one of those, who read the above post and wondered how fears can be so serious, trust me, you haven’t seen life! That’s good and bad, both! And if you have even noticed a fragment or element of what I have mentioned, I hope, this turns out to help you and the people around you! )

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