Friday, April 20, 2012


There’s always this ritual…. There are these days when I feel like writing but possess no idea about what to write…. Then I ask my closest pals for a topic… then depending on my thoughts, I write….

A few weeks ago, my good friend asked me to write about “Friendship”!

I didn’t write then, because I was devoid of any ideas… But today (Read: Today my mind went to flashback mode wherein it experienced and re-lived certain moments that happened in the past few days or weeks or even months.), I felt something that I want to pen down.

Friendship…. This word can’t have any synonym! Nor can anyone create one!

Friendship is not only in hanging out together, chatting with each other, watching movies together, playing games with each other, going out on picnics, taking up an activity together, studying together, celebrating birthdays and festivals together etc. These are just actions. Friendship is about all the feelings behind all those actions!

You may have a dozen friends or even more to spend your time in a certain action, but only few FRIENDS to possess those true feelings behind!

Recently I understood one very important feeling that comes in friendship…. SUPPORT!!!!

Every individual has his/her set of fears, dreams, ideas, weaknesses, passions, likes, dislikes etc. And for every aspect we carve for support which can be under the guise of an understanding, an advice, an encouragement, an inspiration etc.

We all like it. We all feel anew after we receive it!

I will give an illustration. Writing is my biggest passion till date. There’s nothing that relieves me or gives me enough solace as writing does. But going back, I don’t think, I would have ever realized this if I didn’t have my friends! My junior college friends made me write poems. They appreciated my every effort, backed me in every line…. SUPPORTED me in my every work! This continued with my degree college friends. They coaxed me to write a blog, commented on each effort, encouraged me in my dream….. SUPPORTED me in every endeavor!

Besides writing, these people also helped me in my every need, made my day when low, stood with me in despair and SUPPORTED me in my decisions!

And I hope this sustains!

Life is incomplete without this “Support-system”! Think about all those friends who supported you in every venture of your life, who stood with you in your every right or wrong doing…. Spend more with all those people….. Support them when they need you….

With this blog I would like to thank all my friends, from nursery to engineering, for their immense support during my every path, my every activity! In every little way, I am grateful to all you guys!

But, last and not the least; it would be unfair if I didn’t specially mention some people…

That individual who is virtually with me 24X7 always..... The one who stands with me in my every laugh, my every frown, my every tear.....the one who listens to my every anxiety, my every fear, my every hue and cry, my every aspiration.  

That individual in whose presence I feel protected…. The one who encourages me to be good in my every role… and inspires me to be a good human being……the one whose words strengthen me in my weakness and motivates me in my step ahead.

Concluding, I would like to put up this quote which I read somewhere…

“The best mirror is a friend’s eye! The glory of friendship is not in the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship; it is in the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to support him!”

( P.S.  Images Courtesy: Friends!!)


Saturday, April 14, 2012

As i walk.....

As I walk through the paths of my life……

I goof up, I scramble, I mutate, I leap,

And my eyes look for people who support me deep!

As I walk through the by-lanes of my life……

I fight, I struggle, I emerge, I seep,

But, unknown, in the corner, I silently weep!

As I walk through the roads of my life……

I growl, I moan, I grunt, I freak,

And I feel alone when there’s no one to speak!

As I walk through the tracks of my life…….

I am puzzled, I am baffled, I am stumped, I doubt,

Looking for someone who can make it easier to route!

As I walk through the courses of my life…….

I am glum, I am down, I am broke, I grieve,

And I hope for something to make it simple to perceive!

As I walk through the alleys of my life……

I get angry, I get anxious, I swear, I beat,

And I long to the one, with whom, myself, I meet!

As I walk through the rails of my life……..

I smile, I grin, I laugh, I have a blast,

Praying that this thing could forever last!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mixed Feelings!!!

Has it ever happened to you? There are so many things to pen down… but when you actually write…. You find no words! There are so many things to say…. But when you open your mouth to speak…. You find no speech! There are varied feelings circulating inside your mind or heart or brain or wherever…… but when you actually pay heed to it….. You don’t know what’s wrong!

Your life seems like a jig-saw puzzle waiting to get completed.

All the words, from your friends, get into deaf ears!

Your family time goes in pretence!

You end up staring aimlessly at the things around you….. Losing track of all the other things and aspects!

You end up knowing that you are not happy….. But you don’t even realize that, within, you are sad!

You end up doing everything that pleases you…. But nothing causes that genuine smile!

You end of existing, not living…… and completely not being “you”!

Why does this actually happen?




An unexpected change?

No, I have no answers! Nor does my intellect provide any solutions!

In fact, I am finding the answers too.

The purpose of writing this blog is simple. Every one goes through this feeling! Some choose to ignore it and move… while some continue to retrospect its roots!!!

Life is not simple….. And everything in it is not planned by you or anyone else. There are always questions which have no answers…. There are always situations which have no solutions…… There are always unscheduled hurdles which are difficult to site……. There are always things which are not in your hands……

Life is not an A, then B, then C…… Life has no paper-work! Every other time, there’s something which can blow your mind completely! Life is the biggest adventure!

The least you can do is… Go with it! Accept it the way it is! And love yours the way it is!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Love v/s Hate......

Love rules the world,

Love rules the heart!

In places, where abuses hurled,

Love exists in which part?

Love is among friends,

One present for other.

Envy comes, trust ends,

Who, for the other, bothers?

Love is between a parent,

And the little child, lone.

Many fill old-age home rents,

Several enter adoption zones!

Love is serene and pure,

Unselfish, all lovers know!

Many end in lust and lure,

A game to use and throw!

Love is the strongest emotion,

It’s what God taught!

Why funds for ammunitions,

Why were wars fought?

Hate laughed and laughed….. In its villainous laugh…….

The world is ruled by hate,

Love is kicked to the corner!

But still, in the twist of fate,

Every man prays love’s shower!

In hate, revenge, there is,

Present in brain’s every fold!

Yet, forgiveness is bliss,

For who, no grudges, hold!

Hate is within corrupt rich,

Who have all in hands!

But, Joy is in no conscience-itch,

For who simply plough their lands!

Hate is in minds of selfish,

Of whose, success fills files!

Yet, kindness is relished.

Coz it leads to a smile!

Hate lies in proudly pride,

Who attain power with wins.

Still, love maintains your tide,

Doesn’t let you pay for sins!

Ultimately Hate lost his laugh........

In this world today, every mind has love….. every mind has hate!

Some choose the power of love…. Some choose the illusion of hate….

As much as we try, both aspects creep into our lives…..

It’s what we persist to choose…. It’s where we persist to thrive…..

Love makes you pure……. Love makes you serene…..

Perceive love in every point and love in every line……

Dedicate your life to the undeniable power of love….

And you’ll reap… you’ll attain… what you truly sowed….