Saturday, April 13, 2013

A journey to end.......

Yes, my blog is very much alive and back with a bang (well, hopefully :P)!

Like a lakh other people, I enrolled for engineering four years back. But the catch is that I never had any interest in it. I still don’t! I aspired to go into arts, become a journalist or something. Whoever knows me well would vouch that engineering was never my cup of tea. But with destiny (read: average grades and parental pressure), I stepped into K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering in Computers Branch. I detested it, often struggled and always cursed it. But now, with only one month of college ahead of me and almost four years of memories, experiences and lessons in my chest, I will leave engineering with wet eyes.

What was it that caused this sentiment? Where do I begin writing? What do I convey which will make it different than the others?

I knew the answers, but never could do justice in acknowledging it.

My strange sentiment with engineering is definitely not with the curriculum or subjects or practicals, but with some special people whom I was destined to cross roads with.

Thinking about it, I wonder if my years in engineering could have been manageable without them. I wonder if my low times could ever transform into joy if I didn’t have their strength and presence.

Prior to engineering, things were always straight and clear. But these four years made me realise a new facet of life! That the joy of achievement means most only when you share it with someone and the pain of failure lessens only when you see someone standing with you. It taught me that life can be unfair to you, but certain people can always make an illusion that it never was.

My every little achievement—articles, blog posts, poems, grades, speeches, presentations, wickets scrapped in cricket, carom strikes, bowling score and every little recognition, wouldn’t have been special if I didn’t have them acknowledging it.

My every little failure— rejection from job interviews, failed relationships, betrayal, back-bitings and every little rough point, would have been disastrous if I didn’t have them supporting and comforting me.

In four years, they have become my own!

But there is also a fact- As college goes through, and life flows with it, we become so engrossed in chasing fun, grades, projects, parties, jobs and PG examinations that we lose sight of the little things that matter a lot. We forget to acknowledge them. We forget to give them their due. We take them for granted.

So here’s something for you to do. Close your eyes for a minute and look for those people who made your journey a little special for you. You will stumble to realise that your journey was even better than what you imagined it as!

My post is not to bade goodbye to engineering, there is another month left for it. It is a gentle reminder to everyone that there is only one month left! Make time for such people, make them feel what they made you feel and thank them. Do it all before the journey ends. Because, no matter what, these days will never return. And who knows, you’ll get a friend for a lifetime.

Personally, I would take this opportunity and thank my set of people. Your presence, your continuous backing, your every acknowledgement and your friendship made my engineering a super journey. It made me laugh, cry, learn, grow, evolve, carve, enrich, nurture and above all give out my best in everything.

And to do justice, there will always be one or few special-er people who deserve special-er acknowledgement, without whom my journey of engineering would be incomplete. You define me. You make me what I am now. Every day of the last four years were unique with you and I would dearly miss that afterward. If you are reading this, with my whole heart, I extend a 'Thank you'.


  1. Thanx alot Aditi!!!! for being a good friend and also writing so great Blogs!!!!

  2. hey...these four years meant alottt to me...thankss for ur support..all the sharing..will always be der for u...
