Sunday, July 29, 2012

Batman-begins, knights and rises!

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me!”

The Christopher Nolan created Batman trilogy concluded leaving behind a miracle, a mark for its billion fans and a benchmark for all superhero flicks coming in future!

The magic started with Batman Begins!

This movie shows how Bruce Wayne became Batman! The movie takes you through Bruce Wayne’s initial fear of bats, the death of his parents, his struggle to conquer his fear and overcome his guilt, his efforts to save his city and lastly, his fight with Ra’s al Ghul, the very individual who taught him in his struggle. The movie beautifully portrays Bruce’s realization of the difference between Revenge and Justice and how he chooses Compassion over Punishment. The movie also highlights the unique relationship between Bruce and his family butler Alfred.

A wounded Bruce looks up to Alfred.
Alfred: Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn, to pick ourselves up.
 Bruce: You still haven’t given up on me…
Alfred: (without a blink) Never!

Next came The Dark Knight!

This movie depicts the most important combat of Batman! The name is Joker. “Why so Serious, son?”  In no other movie have I felt the villain to be more convincing and more mesmerizing than the hero, but this movie did it! His every antic is brain-pounding! The scenes between Joker and Batman are winners! Another vital character in the movie is Harvey Dent, the confidante of Bruce’s love Rachel and the white knight of the city. The scene wherein Batman kills Harvey, who, on Joker’s direction, was wrongly avenging Rachel’s death, and still lets the city perceive Harvey as the hero and claims full responsibility of Harvey’s death causes pain!

Gordon Jr.: Why is he running dad?
Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
Gordon Jr.: He didn’t do anything wrong.
Gordon: Because he’s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs now. So, we’ll hunt him. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector….. A dark knight!

It concluded with The Dark Knight Rises!

This movie focused on one simple ideology-Everyone can become Batman! So this movie had a Catwoman, a Robin, Commissioner Gordon, Lucius Fox, everyone fight till the end. The highlight of the movie is when Bruce is held in prison and the only way out is to rise with your sheer will and Bruce attains it! Bane looks and sounds hideous. The scene that causes an ache is when Miranda Tate betrays Bruce and when Batman is thought to be dead and Alfred sobs over his grave. However it brings delight to witness Bruce alive with Selina, as Alfred had wanted it! This movie totally and effectively puts the drapes shut of this magnificent trilogy!

“You see only one end to your journey. Sometimes a man rises from the Darkness!”

The things that make this trilogy special are
1)  Christopher Nolan. His writing, his story, his direction… Flawless! His extra-ordinary work speaks for itself. How he conceived the story, molded it in screenplay and delivered it in every scene is worth a Hats’ off! There are many other names contributing in this too like his brother Jonathan Nolan.
2)  Cast. Right from the enigmatic Christian Bale to lead the series to Michael Caine playing Alfred to Gary Oldman playing Gordon to Morgan Freeman as Fox, and to every little role, every individual portrays the character convincingly, to the “T”.
3)   Heath Ledger. Oh yeah, he was a part of only one movie, but his enactment of Joker made Dark Knight, the movie of the century! The way he talked, walked, behaved and played Joker, made this series reach the very epitome of ratings. His portrayal was magic! However, Joker took toll on Heath and he was found dead in an unprecedented circumstance. But Heath, you did put a smile in everyone's face!
4)  Cinematography. If you have seen the final one, the opening sequence involving helicopters, you know exactly what I am saying! Wally Pfister, Good Job!
5)  Background Score. The one thing that stayed with me even after I left the theatre was the sound-track! Hans Zimmer deserves all the accolades for it!
6) Dialogues. Flawless and awesome. There are so many neatly written ones that it would eat up my entire blog space!

As the trilogy ends all I can say is
“If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can’t stop you, you become something else entirely. A legend, Mr. Wayne, a Legend!”
This trilogy turned out to be the same!

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