Thursday, October 27, 2011


25/10/2011… This day, I turned 20! It was a day, initially marred by boring submissions in college and then made fantastic with friends! Some people of my age become livid at this point, that they are no more teens and “serious” adulthood is dawning over them. Some people realize that their years in college are now numbered and very soon they would have to take up a job or study further, work like a dog and get engulfed by all the responsibilities cropping up.

It’s not like teenage is easy. C’mon, we go through testing times ourselves. It’s not easy sleeping with open eyes during lectures, completing every journal in a day’s time before submissions, politely smiling to your teacher when you actually crave to hit her for screwing up your viva, etc. Its tough guys… Pat yourself! It’s not easy getting up at 7 in the morning especially after late night movies are a ritual to you. It’s tough to convince your parents that sometimes traffic can make you an hour late in case of parties.

Friendships sometimes become your biggest energy to go on, while sometimes become your biggest headache. It becomes increasingly difficult to be in the good books of everyone. You eventually realize that the theory you were taught as a child that THIS is Right and THAT is Wrong is actually false and everything goes according to THIS being My perspective and THAT being Yours!

Then teenage also involves everyone’s perception about love! Point one-If it’s present, it’s a problem. Your life suddenly changes. Your bill and monthly expenses increase. Lies to parents increase. Your sleep hours decrease. And after all this, you still stand a chance of getting dumped! You try to show everything’s superb but in the inside…. Petty fights hurt!

Point two-If it’s not present, then also there’s problem. The statistics of people around you getting committed are rapidly increasing. Suddenly it becomes a question of your prestige (read ego). Suddenly you feel alone in the valley. And you have no one to listen to you when you’re troubled! You try to show “Being Single” rocks but in the inside…. Can I see anyone interesting?

Point three- And if it’s present and still not present, then also problem! Your life suddenly becomes the fodder for Love Guru’s and Agony Aunt’s! Everyday rehearsals of what to say, what not to say, how much to smile, how much not to smile! Encoding and decoding of signals! Desperate watching of every romantic movie just to check your story matches whom! You try to show you don’t actually care but in the inside…… what is going on in his/her mind?

So, with this, I tried bidding my adieu to “teenage”! I’m sorry if I forgot some oh-so-important points! But in the end, Life is just life! It goes on and we learn to move on with it. Whatever happens, go on with a smile. And listen to what your mind really tells you….. It’s always correct!