Saturday, August 18, 2012


It’s been a lot of time since my last post! College made my days a lot busier! (Pun intended.)

For the past few days, I have had a lot of self realizations and also many other realizations! (*tongue sticking out*. Yeah, I think a lot!)

I want to share certain of these experiences... They are in no certain order. Just the way they are crossing my mind. I ain’t a good presenter of these things, but I hope it does help you!

1)      Never get demoralized by anything. Never think about the number of people you are competing with! Your true competition and comparison is yourself! Your path is yours! You need to get yourself better at whatever you want to. To give an illustration… What makes Usain Bolt the fastest man on earth? There are billions in this world who can sprint for 100m! Nothing special in sprinting! But if you cut down, how many can achieve this in 15 seconds? Perhaps 100! In 10 seconds? 10! In 9.8 seconds? 5! In 9.6 seconds? 3! In 9.48 seconds? 1! Usain Bolt! The point here is you have to get better… From 15 to 10 to 9.8 to 9.6 to 9.48! Ultimately, you end up victorious!

2)      Sometimes you need to stand up for yourself! There are always some people who speak a lot and never listen! When you haven’t erred, you should trust it and speak up in a smart way. To give an example… Mr. A blasted and let out his frustrations over Mr. B for something B had not committed. After sometime and lot of courage, B spoke up with optimum power and optimum humility. Ultimately, B got something he didn’t anticipate. An apology! Sometimes standing up for yourself fills you up with much required sense of self-confidence. So speak up smartly!

3)      It is impossible to make everyone happy, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake. Even after trying your best, amassing guilt and rendering apologies, there will still be people who dislike you! Do everything to satisfy them and you end up knowing what they actually talk about you behind your back! You can’t be in the good books of everyone! In another light, pissing people off is damn easy. There will always be people who will get irritated by your actions, words or probably by the way you are! That too very easily, without effort or thought! There are very few people who will accept all your stupid mannerisms and antics and take you for what you truly are.

4)      Never do those things to others that you are not capable of tolerating. Simple rule. If you can’t take it, don’t do it! Never make a mockery of someone, if you can’t bear the sight of people mocking you! Never have prejudices or pass judgements about anyone, if you dislike people doing the same to you! Never talk behind someone’s back, if it hurts when you come to know someone did the same to you! Likewise treat others the way you expect to be treated. If you want people to forgive you for your mistakes, carve a big heart and forgive those who have wronged you. Never ignore anyone’s presence, if you want your presence to be counted. And the most important; Never hurt anyone, if you don’t like getting hurt!

5)      Last and perhaps the most important. Yesterday one of my friends told me to concentrate more on me, my life and my happiness. It was a simple statement, yet it made my day. Sometimes all of us get sad, anxious and worried about unnecessary things. All of us spoil many moods thinking about people who don’t even matter! We stress so much on being right, abiding by rules that sometimes it drains our mind. In this process, we end up losing ourselves and our moments of happiness! We end up doing what we don’t want to and regret it later! Amidst this, try to be happy and do what you are supposed to do! Leave the rest to your destiny. Care for the people who stand by you and those you need always. Trust yourself and everything will go right!