Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Amidst my path, my walk...

Amidst my path, my walk,

Tore, I am, in between.

Keeping things inside, lock,

I sit staring, unseen!


In the war within me,

I fail to perceive, clear.

Wanting to run free,

With nothing close, near!


I don’t see right in any,

My right’s gone wrong!

Me, I question, many,

And answers take long!


Amidst my path, my walk,

Tore, I am, in between.

Afraid to step and knock,

I stand breathless, lean!



Amidst my path, my walk,

I, then, see light seeping in.

Giving strength, to chalk,

And face things within!


My principles, I ground,

To find myself, in me.

Something seems found,

Something, easy to see!


The right’s not fully right,

To right, the wrong can turn!

I gather myself to fight,

To win, to overcome, to learn!


Amidst my path, my walk,

I, then see, light seeping in.

With a smile, I step to rock,

To do my best in everything!




Sunday, May 6, 2012

That's life!

Writing after a lot of time... Practical exams were on... and very soon Theory exams will dawn it's ugly head! 

A very weird feeling kept churning around my mind.... so i thought of writing! 

I have always seen people whine about…. things they didn’t get, pinnacles they didn’t achieve and expectations that were not met! Why only people, I have done it….and might do it too. That’s the way normal people react to such situations! 

It’s a different tale how people overcome such feelings. Some keep whining, while some move on. Some get frustrated, while some gradually accept it. 

But, the purpose of my blog is not this. Rather it’s quite the contrary… 

Has anyone felt that there are certain aspects of their life that they don’t deserve to receive? And when I say certain aspects I don’t mean any problem, obstacle or unpleasant situation. I mean…… has anyone felt they don’t deserve to get happiness from certain things, don’t deserve to reach certain pinnacles, and don’t deserve to keep certain expectations? 

The intention behind my blog is not to advertise the above or give a rather negative vibe about oneself to think about! 

The point is it is too damn easy to whine about things, expect from things…. But it requires a lot of maturity to think that there are certain things that are perhaps beyond our reach…..that are perhaps not meant….that perhaps we don’t deserve now! 

To justify…ultimately what we get is what we have given….  If we haven’t given enough, how can we expect to get things? 

Is it right on our part?

Is it right to not do efforts and expect results? (P.S. excludes copying in practical exams. Codes + theory + Sadu internal + Khadus external? What are we? Descendents of Einstein?)  

Is it right to expect things when we haven’t met up with other’s expectations ourselves? 

It’s different if efforts are put and results are not obtained… The only consolation or solace to think then is that perhaps, there is another bigger result waiting! But what when that’s not the case? 

If we think about it truly, there will come up things and aspects which fill the above criteria. Appreciate things…. Whatever you have got, received, achieved, met up with…. It’s yours! Nurture it and be grateful! That’s Life!